We got the chance to have a chat with AgEagle CEO Brandon Torres Declet on the recent release of the MicaSense RedEdge-P sensor. We wanted to know what the new RedEdge-P sensor is capable of and the new possibilities and use cases the leaf-detail level resolution brings.
The RedEdge-P sensor offers unprecedented resolution and imagery to land management and commercial-scale agricultural professionals. With these new sensors they can save hours upon hours of manual labour walking through fields or forests and instead, rely on the crisp, leaf-detail level imagery that they can get from the sensors when equipped to drones. Not only will this free up a tremendous amount of time that would have otherwise been spent hand-counting and monitoring plants, but it will in turn allow agricultural professionals to improve their bottom line or meet land management goals through faster issue detection, faster decision-making and more efficient data collection.
TheRedEdge-P offers capabilities beyond anything that’s currently on the market. It can capture calibrated high-resolution multispectral and RGB imagery with an optimised field of view and capture rate. Additionally, this new sensor has a single camera solution that is compatible with a wide array of drone aircraft ranging from large fixed-wing to small multirotor.
This sensor newly allows forestry management and commercial agriculture professionals to automate the previously labour-intensive process of monitoring and counting crops and trees by hand. We are hopeful that it will unlock massive potential for our customers in terms of increasing crop yield and giving back valuable time to focus on expanding business.