Sphere is now a CASA Drone Safety Advocate

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January 31, 2025

Sphere Drones is one of the first companies to be recognised as a Drone Safety Advocate by CASA. This means that CASA is working with Sphere Drones and other wholesalers/manufacturers so that you can

Sphere Drones is one of the first companies to be recognised as a Drone Safety Advocate by CASA. This means that CASA is working with Sphere Drones and other wholesalers/manufacturers so that you can be confident you’re buying your drone from a supplier who takes drone safety seriously.

Australians love their drones and they are flying in record numbers above backyards, parks, and beaches.
More drones in the sky means it’s important that we all understand the rules that keep you and others around you safe, on the ground and in the air.

CASA has a dedicated web page called “Know Your Drone” where you will be able to find a Quiz to test your knowledge on the drone safety rules, the CASA-verified drone safety apps that provide customised location-based information about where you can and can’t fly your drone, in accordance with aviation legislation.

Drone safety rules for recreational drone operators that you need to know before take-off:

  1. When your drone is up in the air, you can never fly your drone over anyone. This includes places like festivals, sporting events, populated beaches, busy roads and pedestrians on footpaths. And when there are people around, your drone has to be at least 30 meters away from them, unless the other person is helping control or navigate the drone.
  2. You can only fly one drone at a time, and that drone can’t go any higher than 120 meters — that’s 400 feet or about the length of a football field.
    Drones may be aircraft, but they can’t fly anywhere near major airports. You must fly at least 5.5 kilometers away from a controlled airport, which generally have a control tower at them.
  3. If you’re near a helicopter landing site or smaller aerodrome without a control tower, you can fly your drone within 5.5 kilometers. You can only do this if manned aircraft are not operating in the area, if you are not within the airport itself or flying in areas where aircraft will arrive and depart, known as the approach or departure paths. If you become aware of manned aircraft nearby, you will have to manoeuvre away and land your drone as quickly and safely as possible.
  4. Drones aren’t nocturnal creatures. You can only fly your drone during daylight hours, and you mustn’t fly in cloud or fog. You must keep it within your visual line of sight. This means being able to navigate, orientate and see your drone with your own eyes at all times — not through a device like a video screen or goggles.
  5. And you can’t fly your drone over or near an area affecting public safety or where emergency operations are underway. This applies to situations like road accidents, bushfires, firefighting efforts, police activity, and search and rescue. If drones do get in the way in these situations, lives may be put at risk. Breaking the rules can also land you in trouble. You can be fined or even taken to Court.

Drones are fun, and by following these simple rules, we can all enjoy the air happily together.

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