Date & Time
Mon. 08 April 2019 - Wed. 10 April 2019
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sphere Drones will showcase its world-class range of drone survey technology at Australia’s preeminent geospatial science conference – Locate19.
The Locate Conference will focus on how geospatial science is driving the digital future. In addition to subject matter experts in the spatial field, there will be a strong focus on the newest ideas and technology in the geospatial sector.
Sphere Drones will bring its commercial geospatial expertise to the conference as well as a select range of the world’s best drone mapping technology.
With drone technology changing the nature of traditional aerial mapping and the data accuracy, cost and efficiencies being gained, there has never been a more opportune time to learn more about how drone mapping technology can be engaged in your application.
Organised in 3-tiers of mapping ability – bronze, silver and gold – those visiting the Sphere Drones’ stand will not only see the world’s leading mapping drones, but benefit from the team’s expertise in commercial mapping applications and what tier-level may suit your specific application.
On display will be the following drones
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about this rapidly changing industry.
Access the program and additional Locate 19 information here.