Use Cases >

Stockpile Monitoring

What is stockpile monitoring?

Stockpiles are used around the world by mine sites and other excavation sites where products are required to be stored. These stockpiles are usually just massive piles of a specific material, such as sand or iron ore that is stored on-site before getting shipped away to be sold and used.

How does stockpile monitoring work?

  1. The monitoring team will send up a drone and take photos.
  2. The photos will then be used to create a 3D map of the stockpile.
  3. Once the data is processed, the height, width, and volume of the stockpile can be calculated, giving an accurate estimate of the size.

Benefits of using drones

  • Stockpile monitoring can be done more frequently while keeping data quality the same or even higher compared to other methods.
  • Stockpile monitoring costs much less when using a drone, compared to current methods on the ground and in the air.

Image: Propeller Aero

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