Storage dams are a key source of drinking water for many countries across the world. Ensuring this water stays safe for consumption and the animals that call it home is a full-time job requiring regular sampling in numerous locations.
Sampling from various locations within a dam often means a boat and two personnel are needed to safely reach it. With Nero, a requirement for a boat is completely removed, allowing a single person to complete sampling operations in a fraction of the time.
If a sample is required right after an event or something that could alter the water quality. Nero can be sent up within minutes and collecting samples almost instantaneously. Resulting in more accurate water samples at the time of an event.
Nero allows areas that are hard-to-reach or are too dangerous for personnel from reaching a breeze. Need to take a sample near a spillway or overflow point? Nero can easily be flown above the sample location, take the sample, and leave the area within a number of minutes.