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Tethered Traffic Monitoring

Traffic monitoring is important across various industries, including situational awareness, security, and research for future road improvements. Current methods are either slow, expensive to run, or don't capture the data needed, making drones the perfect solution.

Using drones for tethered traffic monitoring

When there's lots of traffic there's lots of people around, meaning monitoring the traffic can be a nightmare for security, research, and situational awareness. Tethered drones allow users across all these industries to quickly deploy a drone securely and monitor traffic as needed.

Benefits of using tethered drones

  • Quick deployment - Tethered drones can be quickly deployed when needed, often without needing the same requirements as standard drones.
  • 24/7 data - As tethered drones use the tether for power and data, they can stay in operation for many hours, allowing 24/7 capture of data.
  • Increased security - As the data captured by the drone is sent over a physical connection, attackers will need to gain physical access to the drone to steal the data.

Image via Elistair

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