Our team recently took delivery of a new drone-in-a-box solution from Hextronics. Right away our operations and technical team got to work unboxing and setting up the Hextronics Atlas.
To say our team are excited would be an understatement.
Not long after taking delivery, the Sphere Drones team put the Atlas with a Matrice 300 drone from DJI. The testing saw our team sending take-off and landing commands to the Atlas via a laptop.
As you can see in the video below, the Atlas passed the commands on to the M300 without issue, ensuring it landed right where it needed to, despite the windy conditions on the day.
Not shown in the video below, once the M300 lands the automatic battery swapping system kicks in, replacing the current flight batteries with a freshly charged pair, reducing downtime between flights.
Previous to receiving the Hextronics Atlas, the Sphere Drones team has been testing the DJI Dock and putting it through its paces. After testing both the Atlas and DJI Dock it's clear to see the importance drone-in-a-box (DiaB) solutions with play in the future of commercial drone operations.
Interested in finding out more about drone-in-a-box solutions and how they can augment your drone operations? Find out more and get in touch on our dedicated page.