Currently, there are more than 9000 commercial drones in Australia and 17,000 Remote Pilot License holders. In a few years time, drones and pilots will have increased exponentially with annual growth at 25%.
Organisations large and small are scaling their use of drones rapidly. Looking back a couple of years, it was rare to see any one organisation that owned more than 10 drones. Today, some large organisations have over 100.
As Australia’s leading commercial drone solutions provider, we’ve been along for the ride. We provide solutions and support to organisations of any size. Offering hardware, software, training, licensing, custom solutions, maintenance and repairs. We’ve been privileged to work with many of Australia’s largest organisations, helping them first explore, then adopt drone technology.
The use of enterprise drones have a very exciting path forward. But what does it look like to manage a drone program that has multiple drones and pilots? Well, we began to ask.
In response to high growth rates, drone programs have become inherently complex. New and increasingly strict regulations, changing technology and large amounts of data create a number of complexities in managing a fleet.
For many commercial drone operators in Australia, drone management involves paper trails, spreadsheets, multiple emails, manual data entry and multiple platforms. This way of working is inefficient, outdated and doesn’t consider the requirements of managing a modern drone fleet.
With this in mind, we’ve developed Curo, a platform that provides a personal approach to drone management, offering automated data capture, full integration and operational flexibility. The platform is the first of its kind, offering an unseen end-to-end support service that is powered by the team at Sphere Drones.
For the many operators small and large that already work with Sphere Drones, Curo is an offering that tightens up your drone program, bringing the many support and communication channels into one.
It’s an opportunity for all drone operators to bring their back-end systems into the new age, keeping pace with the ever evolving drone technology that we use day in, day out.
Whilst Curo is comprehensive, we’ve broken it down into 4 key functions
These functions are met and supported by a passionate team in Sphere Drones. That is the difference between Curo and the rest.
When speaking to industry leaders, that was the compelling factor that assured them the future of their drone program would be well supported and innovative.
There is never a one size fits all solution. Curo can be tailored to your needs.
Curo offers:
With minimal disruption to your program, we assess and execute client onboarding based on the following elements:
Understanding: Consultation to understand your needs.
Auditing: The Sphere Drones’ team will audit all your (relevant) assets, sites, pilot needs and other relevant details.
Delivery: We carry out comprehensive implementation based on your specific needs.
Optimisation: Ongoing training, support and Curo optimisation.
Curo offers 3 different plans, designed to suit your needs.
Whichever option is chosen, you will always benefit from Sphere Drones’ organisational support across Curo.
The end result is a solution that is offering drone programs the opportunity to grow with the times, and their tools.
Click here to register for our Curo webinar to find out more.