Use Cases >

Cattle Mustering

Cattle mustering is a crucial part of the livestock industry, involving the herding and gathering of cattle for various purposes such as transportation, vaccinations, and sorting.

Using drones for cattle mustering

Traditionally, cattle mustering has been done on horseback or with the use of helicopters, but advancements in drone technology have created a new opportunity for the industry.

Drones are used in cattle mustering in a variety of ways. Firstly, they can be used to locate and track the position of the cattle, providing farmers with real-time information on their whereabouts. This information can be used to determine the best mustering route and optimise the movement of the herd.

Another way is by using drones to create virtual fences or boundaries around the cattle, guiding them in the desired direction. The drones can be programmed to herd the cattle in a particular direction, creating a virtual barrier that the cattle will instinctively follow.

Drones can also be used to monitor the behaviour of the cattle, providing farmers with valuable insights into their movement patterns and behaviour. This information can be used to make informed decisions and optimise the mustering process.

The benefits of using drones

  • Drones can reduce labour costs and save farmers time by covering large areas quickly and efficiently.
  • Drones can improve animal welfare by reducing stress on the cattle and minimising the risk of injury.
  • Drones can provide farmers with real-time data on the location and behaviour of the cattle, allowing them to make informed decisions and optimise their mustering strategies.

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