Sentera - FieldAgent Permanent Crop Manager

Sentera - FieldAgent Permanent Crop Manager

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Product info

FieldAgent isn’t just another digital platform. It works with existing tools to gather data from drones, satellites, weather, soil and field operations, and integrates it with powerful models and near real-time field insights to help you make optimised decisions.

Season-Long Insights for Optimal Outcomes

FieldAgent works hard throughout the year to help you optimise outcomes. Leverage insights throughout the season to evaluate seed, input and equipment performance for purchases. Continuously monitor fields to pinpoint real-time management opportunities. Efficiently and effectively deploy scouting resources to properly diagnose problems. Quickly collaborate with partners by sharing field-level insights. Enable your customer to make the best economic decision. Validate the efficacy of inputs and recommendations.

Data that Drives Decisions

Stand Count

Early visibility matters when it comes to yield potential and replant decisions. FieldAgent allows you to efficiently and effectively capture population counts on every acre.

Crop Health

Access unprecedented insights into field vigour through customisable NDVI maps, zone management, a basic prescription writing tool, and dynamic colour mapping.

Tassel Counts

FieldAgent delivers accurate crop potential throughout an entire field so you can more easily forecast crop yields and make other critical management decisions.

Tree Locations

Leverage tree location data to streamline management activities in order to reduce labour costs, efficiently manage inputs and accurately report holistic insights.

Canopy Coverage

Categorise and analyse trees by size to help project yields, streamline the insurance process and deliver advanced documentation for higher accuracy valuations.

Yield Estimation

Enable more accurate and reliable yield estimates than those derived through manual sampling alone. Project yields for both trees and broad acre crops.

Precision Weed Mapping

Enable more accurate and reliable yield estimates than those derived through manual sampling alone. Project yields for both trees and broad acre crops.


Enable more accurate and reliable yield estimates than those derived through manual sampling alone. Project yields for both trees and broad acre crops.

Custom Analytics

Sentera can create custom solutions to collect and serve up the information you need within the FieldAgent tool. We have extensive experience working with the biggest names in agriculture and agricultural research.

Digital Scouting

FieldAgent Digital Scouting is a configurable application built to help streamline and simplify your in-season decision workflow. The program allows you to continuously monitor fields, efficiently deploy scouting resources, quickly collaborate with stakeholders, validate treatment efficacy and simplify complex in-season decisions.

Elevating Engagement

Simplify decisions through data-driven conversations by analysing crop health and management opportunities across every field.


Demonstrate the efficacy of inputs and management decisions.

Continuous Monitoring

Closely track every acre, pinpointing management opportunities to help you direct and streamline scouting efforts.

Scouting Smarter

Effectively deploy scouting resources to the field, knowing where to be, when to be there and what you’re looking for.

Maximising Time & Efficiency

Identify and research potential issues before you visit a field so you can better focus your time and attention.


FieldAgent Notifications are an extension of the tool built to optimise your scouting resources. By pulling data from multiple sources, including satellites, weather forecasts and pest models, Notifications directs crop advisors and scouts to the right areas of the field at the right times for more efficient decisions.

Permanent Crop Manager

FieldAgent provides solutions to citrus, tree nut, grape and stone fruit producers who demand real time, holistic production information. From yield estimations to efficiently identifying potential issues at the orchard level, FieldAgent’s Permanent Crop Manager layers data for growers, advisors and investors to share information such as bloom progression and pollinator deployment, and make production decisions from anywhere in the world.

Nitrogen Management

Our nitrogen monitoring tool allows you to manage crop performance confidently. FieldAgent delivers actionable insights directly from the data you already collect, streamlining your workflows and reducing costs.

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